Ma & Pa Information


Ma & Pa Family Equipment List

(Not including personal/clothing items)

2 family size tents -- (1 for 6 YM, 1 for 6 YW)
2 plastic tarps -- 16' x 20' (for covering items in handcart)
2 five-gallon Igloo style insulated water containers (enclosed, with spigot preferable)
1 flashlight with extra batteries
1 lantern
1 pocket knife
50' of 3/8" rope
1 roll of duct tape
2 rolls of toilet paper
5 heavy-duty garbage bags
1 vial consecrate oil
Hand sanitizer (family size)
1 bottle hand soap
1 family first aid kit (including moleskin)
1 can of insect repellent for all the family
1 spray bottle (for water to cool down)
Camera (optional)

Electronics (ipad, phone, music players, etc.)
Extra Book Items